Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cheap Gas!??!

I am in Cleveland, OH currently. Some people that I work with loveling refer to Cleveland as the "mistake on the lake." While that may be a popular thought, this week I am feeling that Cleveland Rocks! The gas prices here are cheap! I saw a station here selling regular gas for $2.89! What kills me the most is that I am excited about this and that I think that is cheap! While a few months ago I thought that we would never see gas under $3.00, there was a time in history, not too long ago, that we would never have thought that $2.89 was cheap! I remember back 6-7 years ago how we were up in arms when it went over $1.00....... wonder if we will ever see a 1 as the first number again????

1 comment:

WILLIAM said...

Now a days less than 3 bucks is cheap.