Thursday, June 19, 2008

It's Official--- I am a SAP!!!

Ok, so why do I think that I am a sap??? First of all, for those who know me, there is no asking why, it is just the way the universe is. For those who need more clarification, here is a perfect example why. As you know, I work for a preschool franchise doing inspections. Before I worked for the corporation, I was a teacher in one of the schools. The school I worked in was WONDERFUL!! Anyway, this week was a "local" week for me so I could get the chance to attend a very special milestone graduation for Pre-K at my old school. Turns out, the school I was inspecting this week was having 2 graduations (Pre-K & Kindergarten) on the days I was there. So yesterday, I heard "Pomp & Circumstance" in the morning at the inspection school. Tears in my eyes.... AND I DONT EVEN KNOW ANY OF THE KIDS!!! Then I had to attend the graduation at the school I worked in. Again, more tears started when that song was played! This time, however, I DID know some of the children and had known them since they were infants! So, this my friends, is why I am a SAP!! A simple song can conjur up so many emotions! Congrats to all of you little Pre-K and Kindergarten children...... :)

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