Monday, May 19, 2008

You Know You Are In North Jersey When.....

1. Drivers are maniacs!
2. You cant turn left to save your life.
3. It takes you an extra five miles to get to your destination because of #2 above.
4. An elderly lady in Panera insists the cashier "just get me a muffin, it will only take a minute" as you are clearly placing your own order.

Love to my Jersey Girls~~~ Donna, Katie & Lynn

1 comment:

Doug said...

You know you are in SOUTH Jersey when...

1. You're eating Mac-N-Manco
2. You're eating Johnson's Carmel Corn
3. You'd love to have some Kohr's frozen custard, but you're full up from one and two.
4. You're enjoying the sun and surf on the wide beaches of OCNJ